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  • strcharinfo(<type>);


This function will return either the name, party name or guild name for the invoking character. Whatever it returns is determined by type.

If a character is not a member of any party or guild, an empty string will be returned when requesting that information.

Type Values

Value Description
0 Character's name.
1 The name of the party they're in if any.
2 The name of the guild they're in if any.
3 The name of the map where the player is.


mes "Hi " + strcharinfo(0) + ", nice to meet you :)";
if (getcharid(1))
	mes "Your party name is " + strcharinfo(1);
if (getcharid(2))
	mes "Your guild name is " + strcharinfo(2);
mes "You are standing on the map " + strcharinfo(3) + ".";