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RO Related

A relatively unknown entity within Hercules. Akkarin helps out around the rAthena Support & Releases forum. Akkarin has been the Documentation Manager for rAthena at the end of 2012 (looked after /trunk/doc/*). In other *Athena incarnations, Akkarin was known as -Caleb-.

Administrator at The Sprite Repository.


An angry Englishman living in the heart of England. No, he doesn't enjoy the British summer weather. No, he doesn't like crumpets. Yes, he drinks alot of tea.

Akkarin also owns an online alternative clothing store, amongst other websites.

Special Variables


Variable Output Description
{{NUMBEROFPAGES}} 526 Number of wiki pages.
{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} 262 Number of pages in namespace.
{{NUMBEROFFILES}} 86 Number of uploaded files.
{{NUMBEROFEDITS}} 2,247 Number of page edits.
{{NUMBEROFVIEWS}} 2,209,600 Number of page views. Usually useless on a wiki using caching.
{{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}} 0 Number of active users, based on the criteria used in Special:Statistics.


Variable Output Description
{{REVISIONID}} 737 Unique revision ID
{{REVISIONDAY}} 6 Day edit was made (unpadded number)
{{REVISIONDAY2}} 06 Day edit was made (zero-padded number)
{{REVISIONMONTH}} 11 Month edit was made (zero-padded number as of 1.17+, unpadded number in prior versions)
{{REVISIONMONTH1}} 11 Month edit was made (unpadded number)
{{REVISIONYEAR}} 2013 Year edit was made
{{REVISIONTIMESTAMP}} 20131106114946 Timestamp as of time of edit
{{REVISIONUSER}} Akkarin The username of the user who made the most recent edit to the page, or the current user when previewing an edit



Akky's test pages
