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  • getguildmember <guild id>{,<type>};


This command will find all members of a specified guild and returns their names (or character id or account id depending on the value of "type") into an array of temporary global variables.

Upon executing this,

$@guildmembername$[] is a global temporary string array which contains all the 
                     names of these guild members.
                     (only set when type is 0 or not specified)

$@guildmembercid[]   is a global temporary number array which contains the 
                     character id of these guild members.
                     (only set when type is 1)

$@guildmemberaid[]   is a global temporary number array which contains the 
                     account id of these guild members.
                     (only set when type is 2)

$@guildmembercount   is the number of guild members that were found.

The guild members will be found regardless of whether they are online or offline. Note that the names come in no particular order.

Be sure to use $@guildmembercount to go through this array, and not 'getarraysize', because it is not cleared between runs of 'getguildmember'.


For usage examples, see 'getpartymember'.

See Also