Edit Max Level

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One of the most common issues during server configurations is setting the max base and job levels. The process involves a 2-part editing--the source code and the configuration files.

Note: As of May 3rd 2014, Commit: b6b3f58 editing the max level has been moved to: \src\common\mmo.h .


Editing The Source Code


Open \src\common\mmo.h and look for this line of code:

#define MAX_LEVEL 175

Change 175 to your desired maximum value, i.e.

#define MAX_LEVEL 1000


Some custom releases already have support for 1000 as the MAX_LEVEL and deems this part not necessary.

Compiling The Server

After revisions in the source code, these changes will not take effect unless the .EXEs are recompiled.

See Compiling.

Editing The Configuration and Database Files


Open \conf\battle\client.conf and look for this line of code:

max_lv: 99


aura_lv: 99

Modify these to your desire values. But take note of the maximum values had in your source. Any value exceeding the supported values will be automatically reverted to 99.


db/re/exp.txt sets the final maximum values for the base and job levels. The included file supports up to base level 1000.

Each entry under exp.txt is in the format

Max Level,Class list,Type (0 - Base Exp / 1 - Job Exp),Exp 1,2,3,...

Example: //Base - Normal and Baby Jobs
         99,0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:... = 99 Base level for Normal Jobs and baby Jobs

Edit the Max Level values to your desired values. You can also set the maximum Job level under this file. Each entry is labeled accordingly.