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This guide covers how to install Hercules on Debian and other versions of Linux that use apt-get.




All of these commands will be typed at the command-line interface.

Install Prerequisites

  1. Login to your server via SSH, or if you are already logged into a GUI press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal window.

apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-update // To update to the latest version of Debian

  1. Type the following command (this will install GCC, Make, MySQL Server, MySQL header files, PCRE header files, Subversion, and Zlib header files)
    apt-get install subversion make gcc mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev screen

Create a non-root Linux user

By the principle of least privilege, it is recommended you do NOT run Hercules as root.

  1. Type the following command to create a non-root Linux account:
    useradd hercuser

Install Hercules

Login as your non-root Linux user

The rest of the setup is done as hercuser (the Linux user you created earlier)

  1. Logout from root SSH (or minimize the window).
  2. Login to your server via SSH as the hercuser Linux user.

SVN Checkout

SVN Checkout/Unix

Import MySQL Tables

  1. Change directory to the sql-files folder.
    cd sql-files/
  2. Execute these commands:
    When prompted, enter your MySQL root password.
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < main.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < item_db.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < item_db2.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < mob_db.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < mob_db2.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < mob_skill_db.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < mob_skill_db2.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodblog < logs.sql
  3. If you are using Renewal you also have to import the following
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < item_db_re.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < item_db2_re.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < mob_db_re.sql
    mysql -u root -prootpassword hercuser_rodb < mob_skill_db_re.sql

NOTE: if you want to use different SQL DBs for login/char/map servers this is the list of databases each server use:

  1. login-server: global_reg_value, ipbanlist, login, loginlog
  2. map-server: mapreg, item_db, item_db2, mob_db, mob_db2,mob_skill_db
  3. char-server: everything else + global_reg_value once again

Note that global_reg_value tables are needed by both login-server and char-server (though it may be different tables)

Configure Hercules

Compile Source Code

cd trunk
make sql
  • If you have added plugins for use with Hercules please use the below syntax instead of the above:
cd trunk
make sql plugins

  • If you're using Debian 32-bit please use:
cd trunk
./configure --disable-64bit
make sql plugins

How to Recompile

In the future (after you update or edit any file in /src) to recompile, add make clean before make sql:

cd trunk
make clean
make sql plugins

Start your Hercules Server

//change access mode of athena-start file so that you can execute it.
//Use (dos2unix athena-start) if yo uare getting ^M errors ie. newline errors 
chmod a+x athena-start
//To Start
./athena-start start
//To Stop
./athena-start stop
//To Restart
./athena-start restart

See Also