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  • getcastledata("<map name>",<type of data>)
  • setcastledata"<map name>",<type of data>,<value>;


This function returns the castle ownership information for the castle referred to by its map name. Castle information is stored in `guild_castle` SQL table.

Type of datas

Types of data correspond to `guild_castle` table columns:

1 - `guild_id`   - Guild ID.
2 - `economy`    - Castle Economy score.
3 - `defense`    - Castle Defense score.
4 - `triggerE`   - Number of times the economy was invested in today.
5 - `triggerD`   - Number of times the defense was invested in today.
6 - `nextTime`   - unused
7 - `payTime`    - unused
8 - `createTime` - unused
9 - `visibleC`   - Is 1 if a Kafra was hired for this castle, 0 otherwise.
10 - `visibleG0`  - Is 1 if the 1st guardian is present (Soldier Guardian)
11 - `visibleG1`  - Is 1 if the 2nd guardian is present (Soldier Guardian)
12 - `visibleG2`  - Is 1 if the 3rd guardian is present (Soldier Guardian)
13 - `visibleG3`  - Is 1 if the 4th guardian is present (Archer Guardian)
14 - `visibleG4`  - Is 1 if the 5th guardian is present (Archer Guardian)
15 - `visibleG5`  - Is 1 if the 6th guardian is present (Knight Guardian)
16 - `visibleG6`  - Is 1 if the 7th guardian is present (Knight Guardian)
17 - `visibleG7`  - Is 1 if the 8th guardian is present (Knight Guardian)

All types of data have their meaning determined by War of Emperium scripts, with exception of:

- `guild_id` that is always considered ID of the guild that owns the castle,
- `defense` that is used in Guardians & Emperium HP calculations,
- `visibleG` that is always considered to hold guardian presence bits.

The 'setcastledata' command will behave identically, but instead of returning values for the specified types of accessible data, it will alter them and cause them to be sent to the char-server for storage.

Changing Guild ID or Castle Defense will trigger additional actions, like recalculating guardians' HP.