Hercules Changes
From Hercules Wiki
Revision as of 17:56, 2 June 2015 by Mysterious (Talk | contribs)
A Compilation of noteworthy changes done by Hercules throughout its existence, noteworthy being considered new features, modifications to existent features (e.g. script command) among other things.
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Instances / Instancing
Since May 30th on the Slasher Patch
- map server was made capable of creating instances of any maps regardless of client-side edits, e.g. one can clone prontera and call it "mymapname"
- instances were modified to be employed in 4 distinct ways:
- by nobody (server type instance, to be used with special map names)
- by a sole character
- by a party
- by by a guild
Script Command Changes
- instance_create 2nd param was renamed to owner_id, (was party_id) , and it got a 3rd optional param that defines what kind of owner id it is (when not provided, assumes party_id, for backwards compatibility), available options are (IOT_ stands for INSTANCE OWNER TYPE) IOT_NONE (0), IOT_CHAR (1), IOT_PARTY (2) and IOT_GUILD (3).
- instance_destroy no longer autodetects instance id from party id
- instance_attachmap was given a 4th, optional, param, "<new map name>", it allows a entirely new map name to be specified for the instance (without the need of client-side edits). this option can be best employed when used on a instance of <owner_type> IOT_NONE
- instance_detachmap no longer autodetects instance id from party id
- instance_id no longer supports any param
- instance_set_timeout no longer autodetects instance id from party id
- instance_announce no longer autodetects instance id from party id, and to tell it to autodetect from the attached script you must set instance_id param as -1 as opposed to 0
- instance_npcname no longer autodetects instance id from party id
- has_instance no longer autodetects instance from party, however it now checks if attached player possesses a instance with same map as has_instance(<param>) checks for
- instance_warpall no longer autodetects instance from party
Other Changes
- instance IDs (valid ones) are now always >= 0 as opposed to > 0